Family Psychology

Family Counseling

“Families are the compass that guides us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter.” —Brad Henry

For most of us, our families are our first support systems till we venture out in the world, and even then, we rely a lot on our family’s support. Our parents unconditional love helps build us from the ground up. Our siblings and cousins stand together with us in times of hardship.

But no relationship is perfect, and the same is true for family. There are many times when we don’t get along with siblings, seen overlooked by our parents, or have a difference of opinion with our grandparents. Parents may feel that their children are rebellious, and don’t understand the concerns and worries of the rest of the family. Issues from work bleed into home and relationships begin to fracture.

Tense family dinners, mutual avoidance, and decreased trust and communication can affect everyone in the family. As such, a family should work as a unit to overcome past and present grievances, and our goal at Buddhayan counselling is exactly that.

When To Come In For Family Counselling

Every family is made up of individuals with differing thought processes, views and experiences. These opinions can clash, and create crisis if not handled properly. In large part, this can be due to lack of communication, and if the problems have escalated, they have to be handled the right way.

If the issue can be addressed before it becomes a big problem, it is all the better, and for that it is necessary to acknowledge the need for help. Family counseling can help with that.

How Can Family Counseling Help?

Relationship Skills

It is difficult to open a line of communication within a family unit. There are misunderstandings due to difference in opinion, and it is difficult to open up completely especially if there is a generational gap. Family issues can bleed into other aspects of life and create even more problems, which leads back to more issues within the family unit. It becomes a vicious cycle.

The presence of a therapist can help in effective communication and aid in solving issues, past or present. It will create better perspectives within the family members and our therapist will be able to provide families with a safe environment to talk openly, and provide effective communication techniques that can help foster strong familial bonds.

While understanding of the family, you will eventually work on your own self and would build a better mental health.


Communication skills help in building better bonds

An open, safe and effective communication will lead the way to enhance better coping mechanisms, create better bonds and help address the problem before it becomes too big to handle or leading to breaking up of families. The family counseling will help you in:

Our Therapy Process

Your first step is to call us to schedule your initial appointment for you and your family. We work hard to pair you with a therapist that we believe will be the best fit for you and your current struggles. The family counselling can be taken up individually with everyone or in group depending on the progress of the sessions and need.

The initial evaluation session provides an opportunity for you to build rapport with the therapist and provide them with some background about yourselves, your family and the reasons you are seeking counselling. In addition, they will be able to answer your questions regarding services, confidentiality, and what to expect in therapy. With your best interests in mind, you will decide together what kind of treatment will benefit you the most.

At the end of your first session, if everyone decides to move forward and work with that therapist, you will be asked to schedule further appointments. At your second appointment, you will work with your therapist to set goals for the overall therapy experience and then begin working together towards achieving them.

Call +919772138499 and speak to any of our office staff to learn more or schedule an appointment.

The Benefits of Family Therapy

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